Monday 28 May 2007

Year 11 - Geography Podcasts

The BBC have produced a series of mp3 files to assist your Geography revision.

Click here to go direct to the bitesize website to download the files. Remember that we don't study all of the topics.

Tuesday 22 May 2007

Year 11 - Exam Technique

So, all the lessons ahave stopped and its almost over, bar the shouting, but Year 11 you don't get away that easily!!
I'm sure that you are all spending every given hour revising for your exams so here is a short video (produced by Daniel Raven-Ellison) to help along with your GCSE Geography exam.
Remember that you've worked so hard over the past 2 years, make sure that you get what you want!

Unsure of what each exam command word means?

Click here to downlaod a word document of exam comand words

Sunday 20 May 2007

Year 7 - Weather Games

Year 7, as you are working fantastically well through your current topic of weather, I have found a few websites that will help you to learn about weather, but hopefully witha bit of added fun as well! All of the websites below contain games that are based around your weather topic. Enjoy playing the games, and learn about the weather at the same time.

weatherwizkids website
BBC weather website games
web weather for kids
FEMA for kids - links weather with natural disasters

Wednesday 16 May 2007

Year 7 - Housing Estate Designs

Here is a picture of the model housing estates produced by Year 7.

Year 7 - The Water Cycle (pictures)

Here are a couple of images of the water cycle posters recently produced by Year 7. Top marks for the 3D model in picture 2!!

Year 8 - "pop-up" Volcanoes

Here are a copule of images of the "pop-up" volcanoes that Year 8 recently produced. The eruptions are fantastic!!

Monday 14 May 2007

Year 12 - Bhopal Case Study

The 1st PowerPoint case study focussing on the impacts of MNCs in developing countries.

Thursday 10 May 2007

Year 12 - Economic Activity Notes

Here are the Interactive Whiteboard notes from today's lesson, based around revision of economic activity for GGA2.

Year 11 - Population and Development

Population characteristics between MEDCs and LEDCs can often be quite striking. There are often key differences in the birth rate, natural increase, their stage in the Demographic Transition Model and population structure. The death rates of MEDCs and LEDCs, when compared can often be similar, although the death rates in LEDCs are falling due to advances in medication whilst death rates in MEDCs are rising slightly due to ageing populations.

Using birth rate as an example, we can examine a country's level of development. If a country can control it's birth rate then this is usually accompanied by a growth in national and personal wealth. With an increase in national wealth a government can spend funds on birth control campaigns and set up family planning clinics. With increase personal wealth, attitudes towards children change as they are seen as an economic burden rather than asset. Closing the gap between birth rate and death rate lowers the natural increase, which allows transition through the Demographic Transition Model.

Thursday 3 May 2007

Year 7 - Water Cycle Question

Year 7 - The Water Cycle

What is the water cycle?

The water cycle describes how the water on this earth circulates or goes around and around from the oceans to the atmosphere to the land and back to the oceans again. This means that the water that falls on you as rain has fallen a million times before.

Key Terms:

Evaporation - Transfer of water from the sea to the air.

Transpiration - The transfer of water from plants to the air as gas.

Condensation - Water vapour changes back to water and forms as water droplets which are visible as clouds.

Precipitation - Moisture falls to the earth (rain, snow, hail)

Surface Run-Off - Water which lies on top of, or flows over, the ground.

Infiltration - The movement of water from the surface of the ground into the soil.

Groundwater - Water stored in rocks.

Hydrology - The study of water.

The water cycle helps us to understand our weather systems and how precipitation supplies our rainfall and how the sun affects the weather that we get in the UK.

Follow-up your interest in the water cycle by using the websites below:

Kidzone - Water
National Marine Aquarium website - The water cycle
Met Office website

Animation courtesy of

Tuesday 1 May 2007

What might Great Britain look like in 2050?

Ordnance Survey are inviting all schoolchildren in years 7-9 and years 10-11 to enter a drawing, painting or collage in a design competition.
A winner in each year group will win an 8Gb iPod Nano and the overall winner's school will recieve an MPEG digital video camera.
"Mapping the future of great britain" is the title of the competition.
We would like to understand how children imagine Great Britain could look in the year 2050. So your piece of work needs to reflect this statement.
Your piece of work may include the following issues:
  • Environment
  • Seasons
  • Transport
  • Nature
  • Weather

Posters will go up around school shortly and pupils will be able to complete a piece of work during lunch-time in T6.